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karamay maintenance project department organized china youth day series of activities

2016-5-10 15:40:55

on 4th, may, 2016, the karamay maintenance project responded the company youth league committee arrangement and organized the series actives titled being loyal to the company, passionate in the job and be the excellent youths. these activities enriched the staffs spare time, created the harmony and active atmosphere, and got the good effect.

since the project founded, all the staffs devoted in the maintenance work and ensure all the maintenance works progressing in high speed. in order to enrich the staffs spare time in the nervous maintenance work, create the harmony and active work atmosphere, enhance the team cohesion, promote the work energy, the project department planed the series activities to celebrate the youth day festival. these activities were welcomed by the staffs. on the morning of 4th,may, the project department organized all the youth staffs to visit the karamay science museum. on the afternoon of 4th,may, the project department organized the long race competition, the poker competition and the chess competition. during the activities, there were full of laughing and cheers.

the activities not only cultivate tastes, relax the nervous work atmosphere, but also enhance the conception of teamwork, deep the staffs feelings with each other, and encourage all the youth staffs devoting in the works with full energy and passion. 
