
welcome to sepcoiii !

mr. zhang xianyue,the deputy director of laoshan commercial bureau visited sepcoiii

2017-3-15 10:17:38

on march 14th, 2017, mr. zhang xianyue, the deputy director of laoshan commercial bureau visited sepcoiii. mr. zhou hongbo, the vice president of sepcoiii received the guests. the directors of ild and ccd attended the reception

firstly, mr. zhou welcomed the visit from laoshan commercial bureau on behalf of sepcoiii and expressed the thanks of their always supporting, and introduced the export customs declaration of last year and export situation of this year. and then, the two parties communicated the index raised by laoshan commercial bureau of export goods declaration, service outsourcing, investment invitation. mr. zhou said, sepcoiii will try the best to cooperate with them and try to finish all indexes.mr. zhang xianyue expressed their thanks of sepcoiii's cooperation, they will also support sepcoiii to develop overseas market, and hope to communicate with each other every year to promote the trading and export. 
