
welcome to sepcoiii !

mr. anass doukkali, the anapec director of morocco, and his delegation team visit noorii &nooriii project

2017-4-6 15:29:48

on march 31st, 2017, morocco anapec national employment promotion agency, which is directly under morocco labour ministry) director mr. anass doukkali and his delegation team 9 people visited noorii & nooriii project for communication.

in the morning of march 31, mr. anass doukkali convened one meeting with sepcoiii in the hotel they accommodated, project ceo of acwa, nooriii project manager mr. zhou hejun, noorii project manager mr. zhao guangjian, and other concerned person, 20 people attended the meeting.

at the meeting, sepcoiii gave a systematic introduction of the status of company overseas business, project implementation, staff localization, local people training and social responsibility, etc. subsequently mr. anass doukkali spoke highly of the outstanding contributions that sepcoiii has been made in the economic development and personnel employment of morocco, also was deeply impressed by the great achievement sepcoiii has been conducted in foreign business. then he made a comprehensive introduction in terms of functional divisions, organization and the referred results of work in morocco.

during the period, the director of anass doukkali said that the noor thermal power plant project, which is the largest power plant project under construction in morocco at present, has played a significant role in promoting national economic development and employment to a great extent. thanks to sepcoiii for its outstanding contribution, anapec will fully integrate advantage of human resources to give the project implementation of the greatest support. at the same time, wish sepcoiii in morocco to achieve greater development and promote economic and trade development in china and make greater contributions.

in afternoon, director mr. anass doukkali accompanied by the project team, visited the site of noor ii and iii project and conducted a first-line study on the implementation of the project. they are deeply impressed by the spectacular field area, the professional construction management,and the professional scene of the team working relationship between the moroccan and chinese staff.

the visit of mr. anass doukkali deepen the understanding and mutual trust between the two sides, promoted work permit handling procedures to some extent, ensured the legality of chinese employees work in morocco and created a good external environment for the efficient implementation of the project.

