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unit 2 of shaanxi hengshan project realizes 365 days operation smoothly

2020-4-19 10:15:39

on april 17, unit 2 of shaanxi hengshan project that constructed by sepcoiii realized the long-term of continuous, safe and stableoperation for 365 days, creating the best level of domestic million kilowatt indirectair cooling unit.

the project is a key project in shaanxi province. it has created two world first, two domestic first, one shaanxi first, one line first, and become the bright pearl in the northern shaanxi electric power market.

since unit 2 of this project has been put into operation, the indexes reached or exceeded the design value, the vibration and other parameters were in the leading level in china, and the environmental protection data reached the ultra-low emission standard, which laid a solid foundation for the continuous safe and stable operation of unit 2. it fully shows sepcoiii’s excellent construction technology and responsibility, and further enhances the company's brand influence.
