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sepcoiii wins 3 contracts of domestic projects successively

2020-9-3 17:26:38

recently, sepcoiii successively won 3 contracts of domestic projects of mengtai dongsheng phase ii 2 × 660 mw cogeneration project, shaanxi yanchang petroleum fuxian power plant 2 × 1000 mw project and cogeneration project of shanxi transformation comprehensive reform demonstration zone synthetic biological industry investment&development co., ltd.

mengtai dongsheng phase ii 2 × 660mw cogeneration project is located in the northern suburb of dongsheng district, ordos city. it uses urban reclaimed water and low calorific value coal for power generation and heating, and simultaneously constructs desulfurization and denitrification devices. shaanxi yanchang petroleum fuxian power plant 2 × 1000 mw project is located in fuxian industrial park, yan'an city. sepcoiii is responsible for the construction and installation of unit 2 and some public systems in bid section 2. the epc general contract of cogeneration projectof synthetic biological industry investment&development co., ltd. is locatedin shanxi synthetic biological industry ecological park of shanxitrans formation and comprehensive transformation demonstration area.

sepcoiii has won 3projects successively, which is the result of adhering to the concept of "big marketing", deeply understanding and adapting to the market demand, rapidly adapting to the changes of market environment and market demand adjustment, and vigorously promoting market development, which is also the embodiment of sepcoiii's brand and strength.
