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saudi arabia rabigh phase iii project completes the reliability operation test successfully

2021-12-9 17:47:28

at 10 a.m. of december 7, the 30-day continuous reliability operation test of the saudi arabia rabigh phase iii independent water project was successfully completed at one time. after a successful conclusion, the project officially entered the commercial operation stage.

the reliability test started at 10 a.m. of november 7 and was divided into three phases, each of which lasted for 10 days. the project has successively tested the performance and reliability of each system of the project with 80% and 100% load in multiple operating modes. the project continuously monitored tens of thousands of test data, and finally the 30-day reliability test was successfully completed at one time, 25 days in advance of the contract milestone point, and all test indicators and parameters exceeded the contract standards. excellent performance data has created a new benchmark for seawater reverse osmosis desalination projects in saudi arabia and the middle east market.
