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pakistan lucky project completes the 168 hour full load test run

2022-3-22 10:46:18

at 13:00 of march 20, 1×660mw coal-fired unit of lucky project in pakistan passed 168hrs full load trial operation with excellent indicators and parameters at one time, and was officially put into commercial operation at 00:00 on march 21.

in order to verify the stability and reliability of the unit, "96 72" is adopted for 168 hours operation. that means, in the first 96 hours timely adjustment is followed the load requirements of the power grid to test the quick adjustment ability of the unit, and in the following 72 hours, the unit is run at full load to test the stability of the overall plant. during reliability run, the unit operation was stable, qualified vacuum tightness, qualified steam turbine vibration, the 100% input rate in instrument, automatic, protection, as well as the electrical primary equipment, bop system was normal running, which won high recognition from the owner, power grid acceptance, supervision and other parties.
