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abu dhabi taweelah project held 17 million safe working hours celebration

2022-7-27 9:49:10

on july 15, abu dhabi taweelah project held a celebration of 17 million safe man-hours, project related parties attended the event.

during the event, mr.rajit nanda and mr.jan jointly presented the project with a trophy for safe working hours and certificates for outstanding individuals. mr.rajit nanda and mr.jan fully affirmed the hard work and efficient cooperation of all the project staff, and spoke highly of the overall strict hse management of the project.

the united arab emirates, where the project is located, implements the british standard hse management system, and acwa has correspondingly improved the on-site hse implementation standards. the project will take this celebration as an opportunity to continue to implement the british standard hse system with high standards, strictly implement the owner’s safety requirements and the company’s hse management system, continue to advocate the safety awareness of "full performance of personal safety responsibilities", and actively create a good to ensure the smooth, safe and stable progress of the construction of the project.
