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the company’s 2022 mid-year work conference successfully held

2022-8-9 15:10:35

on the afternoon of july 24th, the company’s 2022 mid-year work conference was successfully held in the report hall on the first floor of the qingdao headquarters. mr.wang li, mr.zhang lianqing, mrs.li junwei, mr.sun qili, mr.feng zhengwen, mr.liu fangjiang, mr.ren jianhui, mr.li jie, mr.chen yunpeng, mrs.dai zengli, mr.kong lingfeng, mr.zhu hui, leaders of the company and mr.lin wenjin, outside directors of company attend the meeting. a total of 80 representatives from various departments and sub-branches of the headquarters attended the meeting in the main venue. set up 32 overseas branch venues, 319 participants and 21 domestic branch venues, 293 participants, watched the conference simultaneously. mr.zhang lianqing, deputy secretary of the party committee and president of the company, presided over the meeting.

mr.zhang lianqing, deputy secretary of the party committee and president of the company, first conveyed the spirit of 2022 mid-year work meeting and project management annual meeting of the group company. the meeting made an overall evaluation of the project management work of the group, deeply analyzed the new situation and new tasks in the second half year, and proposed seven points of specific requirements for the improvement of the project management work in the next step. the meeting notification for general information of the working conditions for the first half year. the meeting deploy the work from seven aspects include meet and learn propaganda and implementation the 20th national congress of the communist party of china, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, give full play to political advantages, promote enterprise production and operation, high-quality development in reform and development and party building.

at the meeting, mr.wang li, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the company made an important speech. from the leading role of the party was fully exercised, production and operation is stable and orderly, measures to improve quality and efficiency continued to improve, assessment of motivation to achieve remarkable results, the pace of reform and innovation was accelerated across the board, five parts systematically summarized the situation and achievements evalusation of company’s main work. deeply analyzes the internal and external situation faced by the company. from quality and efficiency of production and operation, innovation of project management mode, development of domestic and foreign markets, prominent role of assessment guidance, and cadre team construction five aspects pointed out the problems and challenges. clearly proposed the general thinking of the company’s work in the second half year. from strengthening party construction and leadership, market development, strict operation and management, solid performance assessment, steady reform and innovation, and good team building six aspects made important arrangements for various work objectives and tasks in the second half year.

in the end, mr.zhang lianqing, deputy secretary of the party committee and president of the company give a concluding speech. points out that the chairman’s speech is seeking truth from facts and practical. make employee have a clear understanding of the situation, solve the problem, and have clear thinking. the speech has strong thinking  and guiding. mr.zhang put forward three aspects of requirements. first is employee should clear priorities, consolidate tasks, and conscientiously convey and implement the spirit of the meeting. second is employee should focus on development and make bold efforts to fully implement key tasks in the second half year. third is company should strengthen leadership and coordination closely, and spare no effort to accomplish the year’s targets and tasks.

the meeting is bright, pragmatic and efficient, make employees to further recognize the development situation of the company, identified deficiencies, clear the overall train of thought and the key work in the second half year. laid a solid foundation for efficient implementation the fifth five-year planning and reate a new pattern of company quality development. take concrete actions to welcome the opening of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china. 
