
welcome to sepcoiii !

the opening ceremony of new employee induction training in 2022 was successfully held

2022-8-9 15:14:38

on the morning of august 4, 2022, the induction training for new employees was held in the south campus of qingdao vocational college. mr. zhang lianqing, general manager of sepcoiii, and xingguanglu, deputy secretary of the party committee of qingdao vocational and technical college attended the ceremony, with all new employees participating.

at the opening ceremony, mr. zhang lianqing, general manager of sepcoiii, on behalf of sepcoiii, welcomed the 235 new employees who had just joined our company and expressed his gratitude to qingdao vocational and technical college. then, mr. zhang introduced the first lesson of new employee induction training and shared the following three aspects with new employees:

first, we should have a correct understanding of our company. mr. zhang pointed out that the past of our company is a history of struggling through difficulties; sepcoiii is now a new face with innovative ability; the future of our company is a bright new journey. it is hoped that new employees can draw strength from the corporate culture through a correct understanding of our company, temper their original intentions in their responsibilities, realize their mission in their struggle, and live up to their youth in their struggle.

the second is to clarify the requirements of our company for employees. mr. zhang stressed that as qualified employees of the company. first of all, we should deeply cultivate the heart of loving the party, patriotism and enterprise. the party and the country are the strongest backing for the development of our enterprise; secondly, we should establish the ambition of being upward, excellent and good, integrate personal dreams into the corporate vision, and temper professional, professional and professional skills. complete every task in a down-to-earth manner and strive to make a career.

third, suggestions for new employees’ future work. we should "do not seek easy things, do not seek refuge", and dare to face difficulties. we should firmly believe that every little bit of ordinary accumulation will play a role when opportunities come; third, we should understand that "you can’t have both fish and bear’s paw", and we should bend down and practice hard to gain a sense of achievement in continuous struggle.

finally, mr. zhang lianqing, general manager of sepcoiii expressed his best wishes to the new employees: i hope all new employees will become talents as soon as possible and grow into the backbone supporting the development of the company as soon as possible!

before the end of the opening ceremony, mr. zhang lianqing, general manager of sepcoiii presented the flag for the new employee training class, and the two class leaders took an oath on behalf of all new employees.

after the opening ceremony, the specific training courses and projects for new employees will be carried out one by one according to the plan.

