
welcome to sepcoiii !

the completion ceremony of new employee training in 2022 held in qingdao vocational and technical college

2022-8-15 15:17:07

on the afternoon of august 11, the completion ceremony of new employee training in 2022 held in qingdao vocational and technical college. wang li, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the company, attended the ceremony and made an important speech. dai zengli, deputy general manager and chief engineer of the company, attended the meeting.

at the meeting, chairman wang li welcomed new employees to join the iron army of sepcoⅲ, and put forward ardent expectations and clear requirements for new employees from the following four aspects in combination with his career development experience and the company’s career development process.

firstly, to cherish the moment, grasp the present, grow fast, and to be successful early. mr. wang stressed that new employees should base themselves on the moment, cherish the present, grasp the opportunities created by the present good times, study steadily, grow rapidly, and become the mainstay of the development of sepcoiii as soon as possible.

secondly, we should find a correct position, change our thinking, and quickly integrate into the new environment. mr. wang reminded the new employees that people from students to the workplace will face a new and complex workplace environment and tests. "if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight." first, you must find a good position and start from the grass-roots level in a down-to-earth manner; second, we should maintain a positive and peaceful attitude and dialectically view the difference between reality and ideal; third, we should strengthen our study, cultivate our moral integrity, lower our heads to study and do things, and raise our heads to be a person and walk.

thirdly, we should inherit culture, do solid work, be bold in taking responsibility, and work hard. mr. wang asked the new employees to inherit and carry forward the three magic weapons of the company, namely: advanced management system; ability to integrate global resources and complete industrial chain different from others; a strong, brave and strong execution team. at the same time, mr. wang also pointed out that the basic concept of the company’s project construction is not only to "build a project, build a monument, make friends and expand a market", but also to "train a group of cadres", hoping that the new employees will inherit and carry forward the company’s excellent corporate culture.

fourthly, we should always be grateful and think of ways to make progress. mr. wang stressed that this era has brought us up. we should be grateful, ask less for society and return more. in addition, mr. wang asked the new employees: first, they should actively demand political progress and take the initiative to move closer to the party organization; second, we should be honest and self disciplined, honest in our work, constantly improve our professional ethics, and abide by discipline and law.

finally, mr. wang expressed his earnest expectations for the new employees: to write the wonderful life with the confidence on our faces, the kindness in our hearts, the backbone in our blood and the strength in our lives.

during the period, the new employee representatives made a statement on the theme of "strengthening the enterprise with me". subsequently, new employees will go to the front line of the project as planned to participate in on-the-job practical training based on professional knowledge.
