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the 19th employee congress of the company and 2023 work conference was successfully held

2023-1-18 13:49:40

from january 16 to 17, the 1st congress of the 19th staff and workers and 2023 work conference of the company was held in the headquarters of the company.the company leaders wang li, zhang lianqing, li junwei, sun qili, feng zhengwen, liu fangjiang, ren jianhui, li jie, chen yunpeng, dai zengli, kong lingfeng, zhu hui, the company’s external directors ding zhengguo, liu hong, li donglin, and yu yin were present at the meeting. a total of 328 people attended the meeting.

on the afternoon of january 16, the company held a preparatory meeting, deliberated and approved the work report of the first cadre, and carried out democratic evaluation of the construction of party conduct and clean government and the implementation of the anti-corruption work responsibility system in 2022.

on january 17, the company held a formal meeting, which first announced the spirit of 2023 work conference of the group company. wang li, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the company, made a speech entitled "focus on new mission, show new style, stimulate new efficiency, practice the party’s twenty spirit with practical actions and excellent results".

the speech pointed out that in 2022, under the strong leadership of the party committee of the group company, the leadership of the company united and led the party members, cadres and employees to anchor the annual goals and tasks unwavering, and achieved great breakthroughs in optimizing the business structure at home and abroad, continuously strengthening the management weaknesses, and improving the management quality and efficiency. the company’s goal of "operating profit in the current period" was achieved as scheduled.

when analyzing the current situation and existing problems of the company’s business development, chairman wang li stressed that the company still has some problems and pressure in the face of opportunities and challenges brought by changes in external situation.

the speech put forward that the general idea of the company’s work in 2023 is to earnestly implement the spirit of the group’s 2023 work conference, achieve the requirements of "one increase, one stability and four improvements" according to the "one profit and five rates", take the company’s "14th five-year plan" as the guide, take high-quality development as the primary task, and focus on further improving the profit-making ability. we will make overall plans to optimize the business structure, improve the quality of orders, improve the quality and efficiency of operation, accelerate the construction of talent team and other key work, strengthen the first-class headquarters of lean, pragmatic and efficient organization, fully support the subsidiaries to become stronger and better, promote the party building to achieve new results, brave new mission, show new style and stimulate new efficiency. create a new situation of high quality development of the company with practical actions and excellent results.

the speech arranges the key work in 2023: first, strengthen the strategic guidance, continue to optimize the business structure; second, strengthen risk control and continuously improve order quality; third, strengthen lean management and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of operation; fourth, strengthen reform and innovation, and continue to enhance the impetus for development; fifth, strengthen the construction of headquarters, continue to play a role of example; sixth, strengthen talent support, continue to accelerate the construction of the team; seventh, strengthen the guidance of party building and continue to strengthen party building.

the meeting listened to the general manager of the company, deputy secretary of the party committee zhang lianqing entitled "expand the market, strong operation, fine management, improve quality and efficiency for the full start of 2023 high-quality development of the new journey and strive" work report. the report comprehensively and systematically summarizes the production, operation and management work in 2022 from the aspects of business indicators, market development, quality and efficiency improvement, project management, management system and party building guidance, and makes specific arrangements for the work in 2023.

the meeting also heard dubai company work reports and a number of work reports.

at the meeting, mr.wang li and representatives of the leading group, representatives of the grassroots party organizations signed the 2023 "party building work responsibility", "party conduct clean government construction and anti-corruption work responsibility" and "safety production target responsibility".

at the end of the meeting, li junwei made a summary speech, pointing out that all units should conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the meeting, resolutely in accordance with the deployment and requirements of the meeting, further compaction of responsibility, grasp the solid grasp of the fine work, to ensure the smooth completion of various tasks throughout the year, with practical actions and work results to implement the party’s 20 spirit.
