
welcome to sepcoiii !

wang li, chairman of sepcoiii, had the meeting with mohammad a. abunayyan, chairman of acwa power

2023-2-16 17:42:25

on the afternoon of february 14, wang li, chairman of sepcoiii, had the meeting with mohammad a. abunayyan, chairman of acwa power and his delegation in beijing. raad al-saady, paddy padmanathan, kashif rana, abdulhameed al muhaidib, lyu yunhe, patxi saez of acwa power, and feng zhengwen, liu fangjiang, ren jianhui, li jie, chen yunpeng, dai zengli, kong lingfeng and zhu hui of sepcoiii attend the meeting.

at the meeting, wang li welcomed the arrival of abunayan and his delegation and expressed his gratitude for the support given to the company all the time. he said that over the past decade, under the strategic guidance of powerchina, the company and acwa power have worked hand in hand,the two companies have worked side by side and grown together. we have cooperated in 13 projects, established profound friendship, laid a solid foundation and achieved all-round strategic cooperation. based on the present and looking forward to the future, with the strong support of power china, the company hopes to consolidate the traditional friendship and deepen practical cooperation with acwa power, and further achieve long-term development in a mutually beneficial and win-win way.

mohammad a. abunayyan said that power china is an important global strategic partner of acwa power. as one of the member companies with the strongest overseas comprehensive strength of power china, shandong power construction no. 3 has played an important role in the project execution of acwa power, and is a reliable and mutually supportive partner. it is hoped that on the basis of quality implementation of existing projects, the two sides will further realize high-level, in-depth and multi-field cooperation of "we are each other".
