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zeravshan, uzbekistan 500mw wind power project the first batch of wind power equipment is exported at xinjiang port

2023-3-1 17:04:59

on february 22, one train of 76 meter long fan blades left the border of china and kazakhstan at khorgos port in xinjiang and headed for the site of the 500mw wind power project in stanzelavshan, uzbekistan of sepcoiii. since the beginning of february, 27 vehicles of crawler cranes, fan slings and other materials have successfully left khorgos.

this is the first time that sepcoiii has realized long-distance cross-border transportation of project equipment by road, including 1186 pieces of oversized large equipment in total, including blades, main engines, hubs, engine rooms, tower drums and transformers. after picking up the goods in domestic factories, it leaves the country from xinjiang port, and arrives at the project site in uzbekistan after customs transfer in kazakhstan. the whole journey is about 4000 kilometers, and the project transportation period is about 14 months, so far, it is the largest project with large equipment in a single project.

during late february, the sino-kazakhstan port was closed for a time, the route was partially grounded, and the road was blocked, which had a certain impact on the project's equipment procurement, logistics and transportation, personnel exit and other aspects. in order to ensure the safety of the whole process of equipment transportation, sepcoiii,together with the transportation subcontractors, went to kazakhstan and uzbekistan to do a good job of road survey, track the adjustment of the port policies of kazakhstan and uzbekistan at any time, and determine the optimal transportation plan.

in order to facilitate the transportation of the equipment for the project out of the country, sepcoiii cooperates sincerely with the transportation subcontractor and the main engine factory to dock with the port customs, the entry-exit border inspection station, the port international road transport administration and other relevant departments in advance, and continuously refine and improve the work process and conduct desktop exercises and simulation drills for many times according to the foreign party's inbound progress and port customs clearance, and finally complete the first batch of blade exports, other units and equipment are scheduled to arrive at the project site in early april to lay a solid foundation for the hoisting of the first wind turbine of the project.
