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sepcoiii has won multiple honors in the shandong electric power industry youth league

2023-5-7 10:19:03

recently, the youth league working committee of shandong electric power industry issued the decision on awarding the fourth "youth may 4th medal of shandong electric power industry" and the notice on promulgating the may 4th advanced collective and exemplary individual of shandong electric power industry in 2022. zhu yaoyao, the deputy project manager of tawile seawater dilution project department in abu dhabi and the manager of engineering department of the project department, won the youth may 4th medal of shandong electric power industry. the dubai company youth league branch has been awarded the honorary title of the may fourth red flag youth league branch in the shandong electric power industry, and the company employee li will be awarded the honorary title of excellent communist youth league cadre in the shandong electric power industry.
