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hami tower type concentrated heat collection field pilot field inspection project commencement ceremony is successfully held

2023-5-10 10:19:26

at 11:18 on may 7,the pilot tower csp project was started, the project team and construction staff attended the groundbreaking ceremony in the tianzhifeng factory in the northern industrial park of hami city, xinjiang province.

according to the national science and technology project task requirements and arrangements, we planed to complete the construction and test work this year,which would undertake product development, prototype trial production, technical verification, equipment product testing, product performance testing, supply chain quality testing, reliability testing work, etc. , so as to provide test platform support for technology iterative upgrading and pilot test guarantee for follow-up project construction. 

this project was the key link for the company’s photothermal research achievements to move towards project practice, which had a significant breakthrough in the commercialization of the company’s core photothermal technology research results, and would further establish the leading position of the company’s photothermal technology capability domestically. 
