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ambassador mr. ni ruchi and from the chinese embassy in bahrain visited the adu ii project site to inspect and guide the work

2023-6-3 15:55:40

on the morning of may 31st, chinese ambassador to bahrain, ni ruchi, visited the site of the adu phase ii project in bahrain to inspect and guide the work.

accompanied by the project team, ni ruchi visited the ongoing bahrain adu phase ii project and gained a detailed understanding of sepcoiii's development history, progress in the construction of the bahrain adu phase ii project, the bahrain aluminum plant's self owned power plant project, and subsequent market development. he fully affirmed the achievements of sepcoiii in the bahrain market.

ni ruchi said that bahrain has broad development prospects in wind power, photovoltaic and other new energy. as an internationally renowned epc general contractor, sepcoiii has an excellent project team and rich overseas experience. it hopes to further expand the bahrain market, enhance the international influence of power construction corporation of china brand, and establish and deepen the bahrain market for chinese enterprises, relying on completed and under construction projects, the implementation of the national "the belt and road" initiative contributes to china's wisdom, china's plan and china's strength.

china and bahrain have established diplomatic relations for more than 30 years and enjoy profound friendship. the "the belt and road" initiative proposed by china and bahrain's "2030 economic development vision" have many similarities in development concepts, fields and models. in 2018, under the national "the belt and road" initiative, sepcoiii successfully signed the epc contract for the bahrain adu phase ii 1540 mw gas turbine power plant project, officially sounding the "rush" to enter the bahrain market. the project was handed over on schedule on june 1, 2022, which is of great significance to promoting local economic development and improving people's livelihood.

bahrain aluminum's self owned power plant project, bahrain king hamad university hospital photovoltaic project, bahrain ministry of education photovoltaic project not only does it reflect the gradual deepening of sepcoiii's market layout in bahrain, but it also highlights sepcoiii's expertise and strength in diversified fields, which is of positive significance for achieving the enterprise vision of "building an integrated enterprise group for investment, construction, and operation, leading the international engineering epc".
