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chengyang school project m1, m3,m4 and g4 have successfully passed the acceptance of the main structure

2023-7-15 17:46:00

on july 14th, the main structure of qingdao island school project g4 of the high school attached to minzu university of china and the main structure of m1, m3 and m4 of the experimental school attached to minda of qingdao passed the acceptance smoothly. the acceptance by chengyang district urban construction service center, construction, design and supervision units and other relevant parties to participate in the completion.

the acceptance team firstly inspected the design drawings and related engineering information in the conference room. subsequently, the team entered the construction site to conduct a comprehensive and detailed inspection of the dimensions of the building components and the strength of the concrete. the team agreed that m1, m3, m4, g4 main structural divisions of the project and the experimental report comparison is in full compliance with the design drawings as well as the specification requirements, and in strict accordance with the design documents and the current construction standards and specifications of the construction requirements. various raw materials after inspection, witness sampling and testing meet the requirements, quality control information is complete, in line with the relevant acceptance standards, passed the acceptance of the main structure successfully. it has been highly recognized by industry authorities and owners and supervisors.

the successful acceptance of the main structure marks that the project has entered the sprinting stage, laying a solid foundation for the next step of completion and acceptance. 
