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sepcoiii held the mid-2023 work meeting

2023-7-25 22:39:35

on the afternoon of july 25th, sepcoiii held a mid year 2023 work meeting in qingdao. zhao qiming, the chairman, and general manager, gave a work report, while li junwei, the chairman of the trade union, presided over the meeting. feng zhengwen, the chief accountant, conveyed the spirit of powerchina’s mid-2023 work conference.

the meeting analysis pointed out that in the first half of the year, in the face of complex and ever-changing external situations and arduous reform and development tasks, all cadres and employees of sepcoiii bravely shouldered the heavy burden, pressed forward, worked hard and selflessly, and achieved certain results in various work. however, at the same time, there are still gaps and deficiencies in sepcoiii's epco industry chain value creation ability, headquarters management ability, strategic leadership role, assessment and incentive mechanism, and cadre talent team construction. it is necessary to calmly, objectively, and comprehensively analyze the internal and external situations faced, with an eye inward and blade inward attitude, with the courage to scrape bones and heal wounds, and the determination to tread on stones and leave marks, and to find problems and weaknesses, identify the root cause of the problem, apply the right medicine to the case, and firmly grasp the initiative of sepcoiii's career development.

for the reform and development work in the second half of the year, the meeting made it clear that one is to build a "strong fortress", continue to optimize the organizational structure, focus on maximizing the value of the overall organizational function, accelerate the construction of a "1 n x" three-dimensional strategic organizational structure, and further clarify the functional positioning of the headquarters, business support unit, and business unit. strive to create a new operation pattern of "headquarters management, headquarters control, upper and lower linkage, penetrating management, efficient operation". the second is to keep the "frontier position", continue to increase marketing efforts, gather consensus and always tighten "a string", plan the overall construction of marketing "integration", plot the layout and weave a dense overseas "a net", seize the opportunity to play the main business "a game of chess". the third is to consolidate the "business foundation", continue to strengthen the ability of project performance, take the project manager as the center, comprehensively promote the epc project manager responsibility system, take quality performance as the main line, promote the integration of performance management and control, take cost reduction and efficiency as the goal, and enhance the ability to optimize the allocation of resources. the fourth is closely follow the "lifeline of development", continue to promote the improvement of business quality and efficiency, strengthen project management planning and comprehensive budget management, increase assessment and incentive efforts, and improve asset management efficiency. the fifth is build the "operation cornerstone", continuously consolidate the basic management ability, focus on improving the system and process management ability, enhance the risk control and compliance management ability, cultivate lean management ability, promote financial management ability, and enhance the grass-roots management ability. the sixth is cultivate "core strength", continue to accelerate the pace of innovation drive, time is not enough to strive to build the core competitiveness of light and heat, seawater desalination technology, good work good into the core competitiveness of digital and information technology. the seventh is to create a "backbone force", continue to build a strong cadre and talent team, strengthen the construction of the cadre team, cast a "steel team", temper the "iron team", strengthen the construction of the talent team, activate the "reservoir", build a solid "ballast stone".

infrastructure branch , yi jie good fortune supply chain co., ltd., saudi red sea epc project, indonesia lumut balai phase ii geothermal power epc project, xizang zabuye comprehensive energy epc project and national energy boxing project as representatives to make statements. 

li junwei put forward the requirements for the implementation of the spirit of the meeting, the first is all units should study carefully, deeply understand, and do a good job in the promotion and implementation of the spirit of the meeting. the second is firmly grasp the focus of the company’s reform and development, maintain strategic focus, firm confidence in development, comprehensively deepen reform, and strengthen value creation. the third is to anchor the goals and tasks, formulate schedules, draw up operational plans, and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development of the company. 

the meeting adopted the "on-site video" conference method, set up the main venue of the headquarters, set up 56 video sub-venues, the company’s leaders, senior management personnel, deputy chief division, the company’s headquarters of the main person in charge of the backbone staff, the leadership of each branch of the green branch, domestic and foreign units of the leadership team members, department heads, a total of 828 people attended the meeting.
