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sepcoiii's 2023 "quality month" activity was officially launched

2023-9-7 14:19:11

this september is the 46th national "quality month". in response to the notification requirements of the state administration for market regulation and powerchina, sepco3 has systematically planned a quality month plan with the theme of "enhancing quality awareness and promoting high-quality development". each unit carefully plans, clarifies activity objectives, develops work plans, and refines task division based on their own actual situation.

to deeply publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th national congress and general secretary xi jinping’s important statements on quality work, and fulfill the requirements of the "outline of quality powerful country construction", sepco3 headquarters has set up quality month promotional posters on both sides of the hallway, rotated quality month activity themes and slogans on the electronic screen at the entrance, and posted promotional banners in prominent locations outside the office building. china coal xinji lixin, boxing, huadian huizhou, ganeng shanggao, bahrain aluminum plant, jinshan, lingtai, rabigh phase iv and other domestic and foreign projects, as well as hongfeng energy equipment company, wind power company, engineering consulting institute and other sub-branches organized the launching ceremony of the quality month activities and signed quality management commitments. efforts have been made to create a good quality atmosphere of "everyone paying attention to quality, emphasizing quality, and pursuing quality," and promote a strong sense of "quality first". the quality month activity has officially kicked off.

next, we will closely focus on the theme of the quality month activity and solidly carry out, focusing on the overall quality management situation and starting from the details of quality improvement, to improve the level of quality management effectively. and will concentrate our efforts on conducting a series of practical and grounded quality activities such as model guidance, quality training, quality inspection, quality common problems management, qc circle activities, and quality improvement, effectively promoting the quality development of the company. in addition, will build the "quality month" activity into a platform to respond to the call for enterprise reform and promote high-quality development.
