
welcome to sepcoiii !

zhao qiming went to hebei for business activities

2023-9-15 20:31:46

on september 14, zhao qiming, party secretary, chairman and general manager of sepcoiii went to hebei to carry out business activities, and successively visited dong changqing, party secretary and executive director of hebei branch of china huaneng group co., ltd., and zhou xinjun, party secretary and chairman of hebei electric power survey and design research institute of china power construction group co., ltd. huaneng hebei branch deputy general manager huo dongfang, hebei academy party committee deputy secretary, director, general manager, chief accountant yu huajin, deputy general manager, marketing department minister, beijing branch general manager li hailu, the company’s party committee member, deputy general manager li jie accompanied the visit.

in the hebei branch of china huaneng group co., ltd., dong changqing welcomed the arrival of zhao qiming and his delegation, he said sepcoiii has strong strength and rich performance, and hopes that the two sides can enhance interaction and communication, join forces from the project tracking stage, form a joint force, rely on their respective strengths and advantages, jointly explore related businesses, achieve mutual benefit and win-win, coordinated development. zhao qiming thanked huaneng group for its trust, support and help, and introduced the company’s development history, overseas business layout and epco’s advantages in the whole industrial chain. he said that hebei province has unique geographical advantages, new energy resources endowment, and great development potential. sepcoiii will continue to play the advantages of the whole industrial chain operation. actively align the development strategy of huaneng hebei branch, carry out all-round and deep-level cooperation in wind power, photovoltaic, solar thermal and other fields, accelerate the implementation of more landmark and demonstration major projects, create high-quality projects with efficient performance, and work together to achieve high-quality development.

in power construction hebei electric power survey and design research institute co., ltd., zhou xinjun reviewed the history of good cooperation between the two sides, and highly appreciated the multi-field international business development and high-level international talent team of sepcoiii. he expressed the hope that on the basis of consolidating the existing cooperation results, the two sides will further strengthen close cooperation, deepen the market and share opportunities. zhao qiming introduced the company’s development status and strategic reform, he said that as a brother unit within the group company, the two sides have strong business complementarity, high degree of fit, a deep friendship of cooperation and a solid foundation for cooperation, hoping that the two sides will focus on the development goal, broaden the scope of cooperation in the field of conventional power stations and new energy power stations, seize the "three 80 million" market opportunities to concentrate on promoting cooperation. seek common development spectrum new chapter.

china huaneng group co., ltd. hebei branch, china power construction group hebei electric power survey design and research institute co., ltd., the relevant personnel attended the meeting, accompanied by the company’s relevant personnel.
