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prime minister of uzbekistan witness the first wind turbine of zarafshan wind power epc project connected to the grid and generating electricity

2023-11-26 17:13:16

on 24 november at 8:30am and 25 november at9:00am, uzbekistan zarafshan wind power epc project completed two milestones,the back energization and the grid connection of the first wind turbine, whichwere witnessed by the prime minister of uzbekistan, mr. abdulla aripov, theminister of energy, mr. jurabek mirzamahmudov, the coo of masdar, mr. abdulazizmohamed alobaidli, and the local authorities of navoi region and zarafshancity.

the prime minister and the minister ofenergy and his entourage visited control room of the complex building, thebooster station, the first grid-connected wind turbine and other key areas.during the visit, project manager ji jun introduced in detail of the currentoperation of the power station and the subsequent node arrangements of theproject, and the prime minister said that this was the second time he visitedthe project in a year, and that the project’s display of high-qualityconstruction technology and strong execution left a deep impression on him. andhe was deeply impressed by the high quality construction technology and strongepc project execution of the project. at the location of the firstgrid-connected turbine, the prime minister took the lift and climbed to the topof the turbine for an experience.

in order to ensure the success of backenergization and grid connection of the first wind turbine, the project teammade sufficient preparations in the early stage, and carried out carefuldeployment in the formulation of back energization and grid connection plan,technical briefing of personnel, mobilisation of equipment and resources, riskprevention and control in the process, rehearsal of the emergency plan, andbriefing of the night operation, etc. during the process, the project teamstrictly followed the requirements of the established plan and adhered to thepolicy of "safety first". organised efficiently, acted decisively andoperated professionally, which ensured the smooth completion of backenergization transmission and grid connection of the first wind turbine.

zarafshan wind power epc project hascreated a number of firsts in the history of uzbekistan’s wind powerdevelopment: the first megawatt wind power project to be implemented, the firstwind turbine to be lifted, and the first wind turbine to be connected to thegrid for power generation. the second visit of the prime minister once againreflects the high concern of the uzbek government for the project and socialinfluence of the project. all staff of the project will make persistent effortsand work hard to help the company’s development in uzbekistan and central asiaregion with "high level of performance and high profitability".
