
welcome to sepcoiii !

sepcoiii held the 2024 party building work conference, party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work conference and warning education conference

2024-1-26 21:16:49

on the afternoon of january 26, sepcoiii held the 2024 party building work conference, the party conduct and clean government construction and anti-corruption work conference and the warning education conference, earnestly implemented the deployment requirements of powerchina’s 2024 party building work conference, reviewed and summarized the party building work in 2023, and arranged the key tasks of party building work in 2024. to solidly promote the "three entrepreneurship", to create a new situation of high-quality development of the company to provide a strong political guarantee and organizational guarantee.

zhao qiming, secretary of the party committee, chairman and general manager of sepcoiii made a work report entitled "comprehensively strengthening the political function and organizational function of the party organization to lead high-quality party building to ensure the high-quality development of the company’s business". li junwei, deputy secretary of the party committee of sepcoiii and chairman of the trade union chaired the meeting. chen yunpeng, member of the party committee and deputy general manager, conveyed the spirit of the powerchina’s 2024 party building work conference, 2024 party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work conference and warning education conference, on behalf of the company’s party committee, zhu hui, member of the party committee and secretary of the party discipline committee, made a report on the construction of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work entitled "take the initiative to take on a new mission and strive to show new achievements to comprehensively and strictly govern the party and escort the company’s new journey of high-quality development". sepcoiii’s leaders feng zhengwen, liu fangjiang, ren jianhui, dai zengli and kong lingfeng attended the meeting.

the meeting pointed out that in 2023, the awareness of strict adherence to political discipline and political rules in the company was further enhanced. all the cadres and employees of the company firmly grasp the theme of high-quality development, anchor the goal, do solid work, deepen reform unswervingly, and push forward to overcome difficulties. the political construction of the party of the company has been further strengthened, the party’s innovation theory has been added to the mind, the public opinion environment for reform and development has been clearer, the clean working atmosphere has continued to consolidate, the staff has taken a new look, and the company has taken solid steps in high-quality development.

zhao qiming stressed that in 2024, the company should earnestly implement the deployment requirements of the party committee of the group company on adhering to the leadership of the party and strengthening the construction of the party, focus on the management theme of "operation control year", and solidly promote the "double lead and double construction" party building project, make up for weaknesses, strong and weak items, solid basic and deep integration. it will highlight the guiding and guaranteeing role of high-quality party building in production and operation.

zhao qiming requires that all party members, cadres and staff should focus on the "two maintenance", further upgrade in political construction, and do a good job of inspection, audit, and special governance and rectification of the "second half of the article"; second, we should focus on condensing the heart and casting the soul, reinvigorate the ideological construction, focus on strengthening the theoretical armed force, consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, and enhance the ability of party building and government research; third, we should focus on strengthening the foundation and consolidating the foundation, innovate in the integration of party building and business, steadily promote the "double introduction and double construction" party building project, effectively improve the quality of grassroots party building, and innovate the party building work path; fourthly, we should focus on the development of talents, further consolidate the organizational construction, strengthen the construction of cadres, encourage cadres to act, and vigorously implement the strategy of strengthening enterprises by talents; five to focus on brand value, in the publicity and guidance of the color, constantly enhance the company’s brand influence, thick iron army culture, keep a good ideological security line; sixth, we should focus on comprehensively and strictly governing the party, make new breakthroughs in the rectification of discipline and anti-corruption, strengthen supervision and accountability, continue to do a good job in special governance, and persevere in promoting style construction; seventh, we should focus on serving the overall situation, gather strength in group construction, build a platform for young workers to make contributions, smooth channels for workers and the masses to solve problems, and strengthen the leadership of united front work.

zhu hui summed up the achievements of the company’s 2023 party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work from seven aspects, notified the typical cases of group companies and company violations of discipline and law in 2023, and deployed the 2024 work from seven aspects, one is to focus on improving the standing and promote the concrete, accurate and normalized political supervision; second, focus on consolidating responsibilities and continue to improve the system of comprehensive and strict party governance; third, focus on improving the mechanism to solidify and enhance the "big supervision" pattern of enterprises; fourth, focus on comprehensive treatment and adhere to the "three nos" system; the fifth is to focus on demonstration and lead, and promote the construction of style of normal and permanent treatment; six efforts to strengthen the rectification, promote the patrol sword role continued to play; seventh, focus on strengthening the organization and forging an iron army that dares to be good at fighting discipline inspection.

zhao qiming signed a letter of responsibility for party building work in 2024, and a letter of responsibility for party conduct and clean government construction and anti-corruption work in 2024 with representatives of directly affiliated party organizations. at the meeting, the middle cadres of the democratic evaluation company and the annual comprehensive evaluation of middle cadres were carried out, and the voting and voting supervision were carried out according to the prescribed procedures.

li junwei put forward three requirements on implementing the spirit of this meeting. first, we should improve our political standing, strengthen our mission responsibility, quickly unify our thoughts and actions into the spirit of the meeting, and resolutely speak about politics, the overall situation, responsibility, and integrity. second, we must compare the objectives and tasks, grasp the standards and requirements, and firmly promote the implementation of comprehensive strict governance of the party, and take good care of the "steering wheel" of party loyalty and seize the "nose" of the main responsibility. third, we must adhere to the integration of the center, the overall situation of service development, bring together the great power to promote the company to create a new situation of high-quality development, and further further in the position of the overall situation, and further further in the transformation of ideas and practical results.

the meeting was conducted in the way of "on-site video". the headquarters set up 1 main venue of the lecture hall, 1 sub-venue of 417, 55 sub-venues of video in each business unit, and 774 people participated in the meeting, including senior executives, deputy chief executive level managers, deputy managers and above in the headquarters management department and business support unit.
